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Rating Announcements
Issuer?Rating: Bond?Rating: Long-term Local Currency: Long-term Foreign Currency: Outlook: Type?of?Rating:
No. Title Rating/Outlook/Type?of?Rating Date
41 (EN) Special Comments on the South China Sea Arbitration 2016-07-29
42 (CN) 2016 Credit Rating Report on the Corporate Bond of Tech-new Group Issuer?Rating:AA Bond?Rating:AA Long-term Local Currency:AAA Outlook:Stable Type?of?Rating:Original?Rating 2016-07-29
43 (EN) 2016 Sovereign Rating Report on the United Kingdom Issuer?Rating:AAA Bond?Rating:AAA Outlook:Stable Type?of?Rating:Original?Rating 2016-07-28
44 (CN) Initial Rating on the Bond of Oceanwide Construction Issuer?Rating:AA+ Bond?Rating:AA+ Outlook:Stable Type?of?Rating:Original?Rating 2016-07-20
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